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1. 17 [和合]利巴嫩肥24田,肥田看如树林,不是只有一点点时候吗?
NIV] In a very short time, will not Lebanon be turned into a fertile field and the fertile field seem like a forest?
-- 来源 -- bible.cccm.us 好评(11) 差评()  
2. 15 [和合]我要使大山小冈荒场,使其上的花草都枯干;我要使江河洲岛,使水池都干涸。
NIV] I will lay waste the mountains and hills and dry up all their vegetation; I will turn rivers into islands and dry up the pools.
-- 来源 -- bible.cccm.us 好评(11) 差评()  
3. 7 [和合]发光的沙(作“蜃楼”)水池,干渴之地要泉源;在野狗躺卧之9处,必有青草、苇和蒲草。
NIV] The burning sand will become a pool, the thirsty ground bubbling springs. In the haunts where jackals once lay, grass and reeds and papyrus will grow.
-- 来源 -- bible.cccm.us 好评(10) 差评()  
4. Turns Green Gems into Skulls. Turns Blue Gems into Red Gems.
-- 来源 -- www.tgjoy.com.cn 好评(10) 差评()  
5. 16 [和合]我要引瞎子行不认识的道,领他们走不知道的路;在他们面前使黑暗光明,使弯曲平直。
NIV] I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth.
-- 来源 -- bible.cccm.us 好评(10) 差评()  
6. 4 [和合]我心慌张,惊恐威吓我;我所羡慕的黄6昏,我的战兢。
NIV] My heart falters, fear makes me tremble; the twilight I longed for has become a horror to me.
-- 来源 -- bible.cccm.us 好评(10) 差评()  
7. 14 [和合]他施的船只都要哀10号,因为你们的保障荒场。
NIV] Wail, you ships of Tarshish; your fortress is destroyed!
-- 来源 -- bible.cccm.us 好评(10) 差评()  
8. become or cause to become unobstructed.
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考 好评(10) 差评()  
9. The arbitrator's award is set aside on appeal.
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考 好评(10) 差评()  
10. I heard the man say:
-- 来源 -- 汉英文学 - 中国现代小说 - hupaneryu 好评(10) 差评()  

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