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1. Investigation results suggested that the virus did not appear to pose an imminent major threat to public
-- 来源 -- life - 汉英 好评(10) 差评()  
2. Narcotics are a major threat to health.
-- 来源 -- 轻轻松松背单词-蒋刚 好评(10) 差评()  
3. Desertification has been recognized as a major threat to biodiversity.
-- 来源 -- 网友提供 好评(10) 差评()  
4. writer Ivan Illich warned in a book, Limits to Medicine that "the medical establishment has become a major
1976年,作家伊万 - 伊利奇在他《医学的局限性》一书中曾说:“医学界成了健康的最大威胁”。
-- 来源 -- 时文部分 - P_weihequanshiyizao 好评(10) 差评()  
5. The coqui frogs are a major threat to Hawaii's environmental system.
-- 来源 -- 高中英语(高二上学期适用) 6 - Unit 1 The Coqui in Hawaii -A(免费使用) 好评(10) 差评()  
6. I want to talk today about a major threat facing our society, namely AIDS.
我今天要讲的是我们社会面临的一大危害, 就是艾滋病.
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考 好评(10) 差评()  
7. you just diverted the first major threat of your administration,madam president
-- 来源 -- 电影对白 好评(10) 差评()  
8. Inequality according to no less a figure than Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan, could pose a "major
-- 来源 -- life - 汉英 好评(10) 差评()  
9. they therefore will not present a major threat to other countries' markets.
-- 来源 -- economy - 汉英 好评(10) 差评()  
10. When imperialist aggression became the major threat to their lives, the Chinese people had to win national
危害中国人民生存的,首先是帝国主义的侵略。 因此,争取生存权首先要争取国家独立权。
-- 来源 -- politics - 汉英 好评(10) 差评()  

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