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21. Above and around these two delicate heads, all made of happiness and steeped in light, the gigantic fore-carriage, black with rust, almost terrible, all entangled in curves and wild angles, rose in a vault, like the entrance of a cavern.
-- 来源 -- 汉英 - 翻译参考 好评(11) 差评()  
22. Tall and stout, the big bulldog on Chilavert's chest and his threatening gestures and bearing often makes his oppo-nents timid. Especially when he makes a foul shot, the goalkeeper of the opponent's team is even more horribly frightened.
身高马大的奇拉维特胸前的大牛头犬再 加上他那张牙舞爪的神态,经常使对方的球员发怵,尤其是在奇拉维 特罚任意球时,对方的守门员更是胆战心惊。
-- 来源 -- sports - 汉英 好评(11) 差评()  
23. He knew just where he was with Clifford. They were two alien dogs which would have liked to snarl at one another, But which smiled instead, perforce. But with the woman he was not quite so sure.
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 文学 好评(10) 差评()  
24. A little Rumpelstiltskin figure, contorted with hatred, he gripped the neck of the microphone with one hand while the other, enormous at the end of a bony arm, clawed the air menacingly above his head.
-- 来源 -- 英汉文学 - 1984 - 1984-2 好评(10) 差评()  
25. A line of people had already formed by the check-in desk; boisterous, drunk, mostly male, palpably eager.
-- 来源 -- www.preferpoker6.com 好评(10) 差评()  
26. To Clifford this was final and enough. Yet he was very polite to the man; to the amazing success in him. The bitch-goddess, as she is called, of Success, roamed, snarling and protective, round the half-humble, half-defiant Michaelis' heels, and intimidated Clifford completely:
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译样例 - 文学 好评(10) 差评()  
v. threaten prowl fiercely ramp be fierce-looking be ferocious-looking show one's teeth

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