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1. 7 [和合]“愿我的仇敌如恶人一样;愿那起来我的如不义之人一般。
NIV]' May my enemies be like the wicked, my adversaries like the unjust!
-- 来源 -- bible.cccm.us 好评(11) 差评()  
2. 32你的,我岂不憎嫌他们吗?
NIV] Do I not hate those who hate you, O Lord, and abhor those who rise up against you?
-- 来源 -- bible.cccm.us 好评(11) 差评()  
3. 11 [和合]我眼睛18看见仇敌遭报,我耳朵听见那些起来我的恶人受罚。
NIV] My eyes have seen the defeat of my adversaries; my ears have heard the rout of my wicked foes.
-- 来源 -- bible.cccm.us 好评(10) 差评()  
4. The enemy attacked us in the rear.
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 短句参考 好评(10) 差评()  
5. 20 [和合]你人常常得胜,使他去世;你改变他的容貌,叫他往而不回。
NIV] You overpower him once for all, and he is gone; you change his countenance and send him away.
-- 来源 -- bible.cccm.us 好评(10) 差评()  
6. Ieyasu has a chance to attack him from the rear.
胜赖忙於攻城 反而会被家康从背后攻击
-- 来源 -- 电影对白 好评(10) 差评()  
7. 18 [和合]那撒谎的人,逞29骄傲轻慢,出狂妄的话义人;愿他的嘴哑而无言。
NIV] Let their lying lips be silenced, for with pride and contempt they speak arrogantly against the righteous.
-- 来源 -- bible.cccm.us 好评(10) 差评()  
8. rip up the back
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考[网络] 好评(10) 差评()  
9. 他就转作他们的仇14敌,亲自他们。
NIV] Yet they rebelled and grieved his Holy Spirit. So he turned and became their enemy and he himself fought against them.
-- 来源 -- bible.cccm.us 好评(10) 差评()  
10. 13 [和合]那时有余剩的贵胄,和百姓一同下来;耶和华降临,为我勇士。
NIV]' Then the men who were left came down to the nobles; the people of the LORD came to me with the mighty.
-- 来源 -- bible.cccm.us 好评(10) 差评()  

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