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1. HTML 会标题上下自动加上额外的空行。
HTML automatically adds an extra blank line before and after a heading.
-- 来源 -- www.w3pop.com 好评(11) 差评()  
2. 我可可.
Coke 可可
-- 来源 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考 好评(10) 差评()  
3. 3 [和合]诡3诈的舌头啊,要你什么呢?要拿什么加你呢?
NIV] What will he do to you, and what more besides, O deceitful tongue?
-- 来源 -- bible.cccm.us 好评(10) 差评()  
4. 假如你们有必要我打电话,我的号码是123456789。
Should you ever wish to call me, here is my number: 123456789.
-- 来源 -- bbs.onlytoya.com 好评(10) 差评()  
5. Kindly get back to me asap.速速回复我.
-- 来源 -- dn7788.com.cn 好评(10) 差评()  
6. 21 [和合]将你的外袍他穿上,将你的腰带他系紧,将你的政权交在他手中。
NIV] I will clothe him with your robe and fasten your sash around him and hand your authority over to him.
-- 来源 -- bible.cccm.us 好评(10) 差评()  
7. 7 [和合]凡人所6当得的,就他;当得粮的,他纳粮;当得7税的,他上税;当惧怕的,惧怕他;当恭8敬的,恭敬他。
NIV] Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.
-- 来源 -- bible.cccm.us 好评(10) 差评()  
8. 29 伯沙撒下令,人就把紫袍但以理穿上,把金链他戴在颈项上,又传令使他在国中位列第三。
Then at Belshazzar's command, Daniel was clothed in purple, a gold chain was placed around his neck, and he was proclaimed the third highest ruler in the kingdom.
-- 来源 -- space.christianbelief.net 好评(10) 差评()  
9. NGF 型内启闭无泄漏粉机是火力发电厂锅炉燃烧系统主要的粉设备,能把煤粉连续、匀地供锅炉燃烧系统。
Model NGF powder feeder with internal gate and leakproofness is a major pulverized coal feeding equipment in combustion system of power plant to feed coal into boiler continuously and evenly.
-- 来源 -- www.sepm.com.cn 好评(10) 差评()  
10. 29 [和合]伯沙撒下令,人就把紫袍但以理穿上,把金链他戴在颈项上,又传令使他在国中位列第31三。
NIV] Then at Belshazzar's command, Daniel was clothed in purple, a gold chain was placed around his neck, and he was proclaimed the third highest ruler in the kingdom.
-- 来源 -- bible.cccm.us 好评(10) 差评()  
a. ample
n. well provided for
v. give

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